Bike Lafayette
Bike Lafayette
Bike Lafayette
We are a cycling advocacy organization focusing on education, safety, infrastructure and community in Acadiana.
What We Do
BikeLafayette is a is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
BikeLafayette is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization representing the needs of residents of Lafayette, Louisiana, and the surrounding area. It is made up of representatives from diverse backgrounds and professions with the purpose of creating a healthier community and environment. They collaborate with the City and Parish of Lafayette, priority stakeholders, government and elected officials, law enforcement, and interested parties to represent citizen involvement and form and improve policy and infrastructure that supports safe and increased bicycling.
BikeLafayette focuses on education to create safe motorists and cyclists, working with schools, adult driver education, and law enforcement. This work results in protecting people who bike and walk while also promoting cycling as a fun, safe and accessible way to commute in and around Lafayette.
Community building includes hosting bicycling events that provide awareness and safety while also encouraging more people to engage in the community. This collaboration speaks to the vested interest that local organizations, businesses, and community members have in making Lafayette a more bike-friendly and bike-accessible community.
- Sign Up
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Like what we do? Make a donation today to support Bike Lafayette's programs and advocacy work.
Join us on a ride! Visit the Bike Lafayette Facebook Page for the most up-to-date calendar of different rides hosted by Bike Lafayette.
Gleaux Rides:
Light up the streets of Lafayette on this casual group ride. Join the Lafayette Gleaux Riders facebook group to learn about upcoming rides.
THE Bike Kitchen
Our Bike Kitchen program offers transportation to those in need while diverting waste from landfills.
What is the Bike Kitchen?
Our Bike Kitchen will be a place for people to repair bikes, learn about safe cycling, and build community.
Bike Lafayette's Bike Kitchen aims to serve our community and the environment by re-purposing bikes that are due for waste piles.
Contacting the Bike Kitchen
If you are interested in donating or requesting a bicycle with our Bike Kitchen you may reach out to:
Andre AngellePhone: (831)-818-2856
Email: andre.angelle@gmail.com
Cycling Laws
Following the rules of the road help to ensure you will stay safe while on your bike. Here are a few tips and videos to help you learn what your rights are as a cyclist.
Hand Signals
Communicating your intentions not only makes your ride safer, but it is also required by law in the United States.
Left Turn: Fully extend your left arm out to the side
Right Turn: Fully extend your right arm out to the side or bend your left arm up at a right angle with your hand flat.
Slowing or Stopping: Extend your left arm out at a right angle with your hand openTraffic Laws
In all 50 states, people on bikes are required to follow the same laws as other drivers. *This content is courtesy of League of American Cyclists.
Here are a few key principles that underpin all US traffic laws:
First Come, First Served
Everyone on the road is entitled to the lane width they need. This includes the space behind, to each side and the space in front. If you want to use someone else’s space you must yield to whoever is using it. In Lafayette, it is important to make eye contact with motorists around you, so they know you're there and you know they're there.Ride on the Right
In the United States, everyone must drive on the right-hand side of the roadway.Yielding to Crossing Traffic
When you come to an intersection, if you don’t have the right of way, you must yield. Pay special attention to motorists who are turning, if you are going straight through an intersection.Yielding when Changing Lanes
If you want to change lanes, you must yield to traffic that is in your new lane of travel.Speed Positioning
The slowest vehicles on the road should be the furthest to the right. Where you position yourself on the road depends on the location of any parked cars, your speed, and your destination. Always pass on the left.Lane Positioning
Bikes can share the same lane with other drivers. If a lane is wide enough to share with another vehicle (about 14 feet), ride three feet to the right of traffic. If the lane is not wide enough to share, “take the lane” by riding in the middle.Intersection positioning
When there is a lane that is used for more than one direction, use the rightmost lane going in the direction you are traveling.Follow all street signs, signals, and markings.
SAFETY TIPS For Motorists:
10 Ways Motorists Can Share the Road with Bicyclists
- Understand Bicyclists are Different but Equal
Bicyclists are drivers of vehicles and under the law entitled to use the road. Just like drivers though they need to follow the law. Don’t be surprised by bicyclists on the road. Expect them. Watch for them and treat bicycles like any other slow-moving vehicle. Plenty of tractors and other things slow us down all the time. Bikes are no different.
- Be Patient and Don’t Create Patients
Patience remains a virtue. It saves lives. We know Lafayette traffic can be horrendous. But keep in mind, for every bike you pass, there is one less person sitting in traffic in front of you. MORE BIKES = LESS TRAFFIC. Patience includes things like Waiting until it is safe to pass; Giving bicyclists the right of way when the situation calls for it; Allow extra time for bicyclists to go through intersections don’t rush to make that turn; Recognizing road hazards that are safe for cars may be dangerous for cyclists—be sure and provide the rider enough space to deal with hazards. When there are hazards on the edge of the roadway don’t be surprised that cyclists are in the lane of traffic as it is perfectly legal. Don’t let some poorly behaved rider ruin your day. Understand that bicyclists are people too and most are responsible. Let the police handle the bad ones.
- Pass Safely
Do not pass a bicyclist until you can do so without putting anyone at risk. Allow at least 3 feet between your vehicle and the bike more if possible. Make sure you do not place the bicyclist or an oncoming motorist in danger.
- Be Careful When Making Right Turns
Do not speed ahead of a bicyclist thinking you can negotiate the turn before they reach your car. Bicyclists often are going faster than you think. As you slow to make a turn, the bicyclist may not be able to avoid crashing into the passenger side of your vehicle. Right turns into bicyclists (right hook collisions) can ruin everyone’s day and the bicyclist’s life. A bicyclist may well be to the right of you and planning to go straight at the same intersection.
- Be Careful When Making Left Turns
Often it is even harder to remember to look for bicyclists when making a left-hand turn. Bicyclists crossing straight in the opposite direction are frequently approaching at a higher rate of speed than you think. Open eyes and awareness can prevent these “left-cross” wrecks.
- Be Observant When Backing Up
When backing out of your driveway or an alley, or a parking stall always looks to see if someone is riding in your path. Children on small bikes can be hard to see. Bicycles, and the people who ride them come in all shapes and sizes. The key is to drive slowly and look repeatedly and with cyclists and pedestrians in mind.
- Prevent “Dooring” Injuries Dangers
After parking, look before opening the car door to exit. One way to do this is to develop the habit of reaching across your body and opening your driver’s door with your right hand. This will cause you to look back before you open the door. It will help you make sure there are no cyclists riding alongside you or approaching. Bicyclist often can’t see a driver who is about to open a door. Drivers, on the other hand, can usually detect a bicyclist if they are looking.
- Think of Bicyclists as Human Beings
One of the reasons there is a conflict between cyclist and motorists is the effect of othering. Forgetting that a cyclist is a person allows you to justify behavior that would embarrass you I other settings. Yes, bicyclists are a kind of traffic. But far more importantly they are also your neighbors–policemen, delivery drivers, construction workers, carpenters, doctors–people from all walks of life. And also, a bicyclist riding to work means there is one less car on the road.
- Please, Please PLEASE Don’t Honk
Bicyclists do not find it helpful when motorist come up behind and honks. In fact, it often creates danger. The noise itself can cause a bicyclist to lose his or her bearings. They then lose control of the bike. If you must honk do it at a respectful distance and make it a respectful tap.
- Try it, You May Like It
Get a bike. Ride it. Bikes have a way of changing lives. Riding is good for you and good for your environment. Most cyclists are also motorists. We are not trying to take your car away. We're just trying to stay alive!
There you have it. Some ideas on HOW to share the road.
- Understand Bicyclists are Different but Equal
LAFAYETTE Cycling Community
From bike shops and group rides to other local advocacy groups, we've got a list of resources for you to connect with the cycling community in the area.
Group Rides:
Group rides range from beginner, casual cyclists to fast-paced, long-distance rides.
Advocacy Groups
Mountain Bike Lafayette - BikeLafayette's Sister Organization
Bike Baton Rouge - Baton Rouge Bike Advocacy Group
Bike Easy - New Orleans Bike Advocacy Group
Coffee House Cruisers – Alexandria Bike Advocacy Group
Pedestrians and Cyclists of Calcasieu - Lake Charles Bike Advocacy Group
League of American Bicyclists – National Bicycle Advocacy
Bikes Belong – National Bicycle Advocacy
Lafayette Metropolitan Planing Organization 2035 Bikeway Plan
Louisiana Department of Transportation Bike & Pedestrian Safety Program
Local Bike Shops
4617 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA 70503
(337) 406-2453
501 Jefferson St, Lafayette, LA 70501
(337) 235-2453
4498 Johnston Street, Lafayette, LA 70503
(337) 981-4449
- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
© 2021